Saturday, June 26, 2010

Will the Real Miss Piggy Please Stand Up?

This is the new 11" version of Tonner's Miss Piggy. There is already a 16" Miss Piggy in this outfit. The other difference is this version has her gloves and shoes painted on. What a drag. That makes the doll fairly useless. It's too bad because she is adorable in this size. Retail price $64.99 but I've seen it for less.

Below is the new 2010 basic Miss Piggy whose clothing and wig are removable. Retail price is $99.99. As always with Tonner items, shop around for a price below retail.

The "Fifth Avenue Pig" has been nominated for a 2010 Dolls Award of Excellence. This is an articulated 16" doll wearing a tailored suit with gold shoes and gloves, faux fur trim on the hat and jacket and pearls. It cracks me up. If Miss Piggy the puppet didn't have such a memorable personality this doll would just be a pig. But she is definitely a Divine Swine. Retail Price for this LE300 doll is $169.99.

I can't get the disturbing resemblance out of my mind now that I've seen these two side by side.