Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back Again with More Stardust Stuff

Stuff...it's what our lives are filled with. Coming home from a convention goes beyond instant gratification of dolly desires; it exceeds the MDR and quickly becomes overload. I have to photograph the spoils of war in order to grasp what greed really means.
Top - bagged outfits purchased in the Integrity store at very low prices. The boxed fashion was also a 'steal.'

These two fashions I could definitely live without but at the price, why should I? Purchased in a room sale.

From Happily Ever After, this DAE fashion will fit Trent (at least that's what they told me.)

In addition I picked up three wigs from Marcia and a sweater from Dayle in the vendor's room. I swooned over a gorgeous gray silk dress with ribbon embroidery from Pam Seeman of Paintbox Designs. It became mine.

I got so tired of shopping that I actually forgot to buy something I wanted. Don't tell my husband you heard me say that. I will deny it.