Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More New Gene Marshall Stuff

So much stuff, so little room.
I have finally gotten around to photographing some of my existing dolls in the separate baggie fashions I purchased at the convention, such as Green Eyes and Tornado. I am in awe of the quality of fabric and construction of these items. In particular The Irene and Green Eyes gowns blew me away. I had no idea that these items were so gorgeous. The models are Gene dolls that were already in my collection, "Heavenly" first and one of the debut Gene dolls with an updo by Jim Gaddis.

Marsha Hunt's The Irene Gown

Green Eyes Gown

Here is Gene from the Lone Star Convention wearing Bellwether Oona's gown. I have changed the pink gloves to a frosty green pair and given her red platform pumps. The plastic beige pumps that came with this outfit were shameful.
Rose Rogue in "Tornado" I pressed the skirts on this gown and the overall appearance is much improved.Star Entrance in Madra's "Rich Girl"Suited to a T in "Safari" an Ashton Drake fashion I picked up in a room sale for $15. It comes with a pith helmet of metal and another item. Too bad the pants are so short. The shoes aren't suitable for the fashion. She needs boots!My new BJD Deneuve whose name has been changed to Diana (Princess Diana de Neuve) wears "Imperial She."
Finally deboxed the convention doll, "Stardust." She's OK. I don't care for her hair which is gelled into three hardened distinct clumps and there have been prettier Gene dolls. But her gown and jewelry are very lovely and high quality.

My overall impression of the convention dolls and is that they were as high quality as possible. The designs were spot on and the variety and selection were just perfection. The only flaw was the plastic shoes on two of the dolls. Compared to the rest of the collection, that seemed like an accident! The bargains offered in the salesroom were unbelievable. I have a wonderful collection of gorgeous Gene fashions to add to my stash.