Friday, December 17, 2010

Under the Spell of Tonner's Evangeline Ghastly

I have never fallen so fast for a doll. My first hasn't even lived here for an entire week and a second one is on its way. Outfits and accessories are finding their way to my home. Michelle over at Wilde Imagination's customer service is my new email pal. I'm sunk.
This is an extreme case of not liking a doll at first and then falling in love with her. Even her freaky big hands aren't bothering me anymore!

This doll is "Tangled Web" Evangeline. I dressed her in red during a major redressing event last night in which 4 dolls were changed into 'holiday' colors. She is vinyl, wigged and has gorgeous big blue eyes.  I didn't realize prior to getting her last week that she was a ball jointed doll. She's bigger than my other Tonner gals at 17 inches tall. I haven't tried any clothing switches yet and I don't think I'm going to need to do that because she's already got a nice wardrobe of her own stuff.

I had mentioned change was coming a little while back and this is one part of that change.