Thursday, December 2, 2010

More Monster High Dolls and Their Stuff

Definitely among the top toys this holiday season are the Monster High character figures. Mattel is capitalizing on their popularity by releasing a third wave of dolls called Gloom Beach. The last wave was called Dawn of the Dance.  I was browsing eBay this morning and found this photo:
Mattel Promotional Photo
Atamaii. Com has a limited source of what's new in this line.  Angelic Dreamz is taking pre-orders for the entire line of Gloom Beach dolls at the SRP of $19.95. Don't bother going to eBay where you will pay twice that. George is also taking orders for the Monster High furniture, separate outfits and other related items such as plushies, fortune telling skulls, key chains, electronic fearbook journals and the  iCoffin hand held Device.

I am amazed at the number and variety of related products such as costumes, plush toys, games, jewelry, furniture, separate outfits, electronic devices, handbags, masks and more! Isn't it fun to play dead?

I gave seven Monster High dolls to my little girl cousins over Thanksgiving and they love them. I received this picture from them showing the dolls posed on the American Girl stage. So cute.

The only MH dolls currently in my possession are Holt Hyde and Ghoulia Yelps. I love their names.

They had to get in on the Chanukah action.

More to come!