Sunday, July 11, 2010

Picture of the Week ~ Wayne Nilson

Today our photo is of the beautiful Zita Charles by Wayne Nilson aka Wayne in FL. She is the Zita from the Stardust Convention collection known as "Hostess With The Mostest." The original dolls looked like this:

Wayne restyled her hair by removing her white streak and moving the position of one of the curls. She is wearing an Ashton Drake fashion called "Pin-Up" with shoes by Integrity.

Wayne said:

This was a very simple set up using 2 pieces of white foam-core board, one overhead spot light and a beautiful satin boudoir seat made by a fellow collector, Jay Aastrup.
I use a Canon Powershot A570 camera. I think digital photography is a godsend.  You can literally take hundreds of shots before you get that 'perfect' one, all at no expense.  I always use 3 or 4 spotlights to light my subject.  I never use the camera flash.  Because it's so hot here (most all of the time), I never take pictures outside in natural light.  I always manipulate my pictures in Photoshop to correct lighting or color problems, to remove any stray hairs, sharpen the eyes, mouth and any other elements I want to stand out.  I use very few, if any, props.  I feel they distract from the main subject matter.